The Creator Teacher [Lesson 2]: Differentiation / Inclusion

Classroom tools for creators 🍎 ⬇️

Lesson 2: Differentiation / Inclusion

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach in the classroom.

In developing and delivering lessons, teachers need to factor in a range of learning differentials

  • Abilities

  • Styles

  • Needs

The idea is to include all different kinds of students in the learning.

How can these learning differentials guide creators? ⬇️

 1. Abilities

Simply put, your creative output is reaching followers of different abilities and levels of experience.

For maximum reach and impact, you want everyone to be able to access and apply guidance.

Aim to:

  • Use clear and precise wording (no vagueness or ambiguity).

  • Illustrate points with examples.

  • Model what you’re teaching.

  • Consider providing prompts or templates to help people start.

  • Point to other supporting content.

  • Bear in mind ⬇️

2. Styles

An audience is a collection of people with different learning styles, influencing how they receive and process learning.

Use the VARK model to apply a variety of tools in a mixed-media approach:

Visual: pictures, symbols, diagrams, mind-maps, charts, colours, formatting and spatial arrangements, graphics, audiovisual content (videos, GIFs).

Auditory: audiovisual content; (in writing) formatting and punctuation for tone, auditory and phonetic language (words with sound effects).

Read/Write: any text-based notes, lists, bullets, definitions, glossaries, summarizing and paraphrasing, encouraging absorption and reproduction/application.

Kinaesthetic (learning by doing): calls to action, calls to apply learning, calls for feedback; (in writing) narrative stimuli (scenarios, role-playing), sensory language (all kinds), illustrative examples, discursive prompts.

3. Needs

If you’re delivering guidance or instruction, you need to care if it lands.

Some people will need further help to be able to apply it.

Aim to:

Anticipate questions in advance and incorporate them into content.

Ensure the channels are open (DM, email) for people to reach you if they have questions.

Follow up long-form posts and course sales with outreach, welcoming questions.


I hope this lesson was useful 🍎

Shoot me an email with the subject 🤝 and any questions you might have! Katie