The Creator Teacher [Lesson 1]: Formative Feedback

Creators are teachers.

Aren’t they?

You have knowledge and skills you want to impart to others, for your growth and theirs.

That makes you a teacher.

Let’s tailor some classroom tools for creators, to see how this works.

Lesson 1: Formative Feedback (FF)

Teachers need to put lessons across so all students can access the learning and progress.

Crucial to that process is formative assessment, ie. checking to ensure learning as you go.

For creators, we’ll call this Formative Feedback (FF).

The basic principle for creators?

To ensure growth, you need to nurture a healthy feedback loop with your connections.

Notice I said ‘healthy’…

For your connections to thrive:

  • you need to know if your lessons are landing;

  • their learning and engagement need to matter to your process.

Healthy growth requires meaningful feedback 🌱

Here are 5 ways to generate FF on your content:

1. Questioning

Many creators end posts with questions, but how many ask follow-up questions?

Respond to replies further questions, to push thinking, encourage engagement, and even prompt action in your connections.

2. Polls

Everyone loves a vote.

Put a poll at the end of your long-form post to see how many people it’s reaching.

3. Traffic lights

Call for connections to reply with red, yellow and green colours to indicate their ability to apply your advice.

Follow up with red and yellow replies to see how you can help further.

4. Cold calling

When connections like your post, follow up with a random selection of them via DM to ask what they liked, and how they plan to apply the learning.

5. Calls to action

Call for connections to reply or DM with feedback on your content.
Call for connections to reply with a set emoji if the lesson has landed.
Call for connections to post their favourite idea of yours on their feed.

So how did this lesson land with you? ⬇️

Shoot me an email with the subject ⭐️ and any questions you might have! Katie