12 Commandments: Craft Polish Edition, Part 2

Further to last week’s starter set, here is Part 2 of 12 Commandments: Craft Polish Edition—for the self-aware and aspiring mindset:

7.The 5 Second Rule’: Mel Robbin’s trademark tool combats the inertia of indecision that keeps people from taking action. To bridge the ‘knowledge-action gap’—between knowing what is right to do and actually doing it—count backwards from 5, and move.

8. Marshal your energy. This expression serves as guidance to gauge and apply the precious resource of energy mindfully throughout the day. Certain tasks require and deserve maximum energy expenditure—others don’t. The trick is to know the difference, and marshal accordingly.

9. Sustine et abstine. Noted by Ryan Holiday as ‘the Stoic maxim’, and translated from Latin as ‘bear and forbear’, this phrase calls for the Stoic to endure the trials of life with self-command. The principle is to assume responsibility for yourself and your experience of life, with patience and grace.

10. Take the long cut. Where modern culture values short cuts and quick results, this statement points to the value of playing the long game in life. Steady, secure development—of knowledge and skills, of a body or a business—is the way to ensure meaningful success.

11. Gradatim Ferociter. This motto of Jeff Bezos’s aerospace company Blue Origin translates from Latin as ‘Step by step, ferociously.’ Akin to taking the long cut, Bezos explains, 'you can’t skip steps. You have to put one foot in front of the other […] but you want to do those steps with passion.’

12. Know Your Why. Oprah Winfrey credits the success of her long-running talk show to her embracing of the concept of intention, which she calls ‘the greatest spiritual principle in natural law’. Behind every cause and effect is an intention—a motivation or reason that fuels that action. Clarity of intention—having a mission, and aligning daily actions with it—is therefore the crucial principle to guide all others.