Drafting Your Personal Statement - Step 1: Origin Story

My August blogs are devoted to aspiring university students set to begin the application process in September. Yes, it’s the middle of your summer holiday; no, you don’t want to be drafting your personal statement right now. In 15 minutes each week, this series of steps will help you build a solid first draft of your personal statement, to make the process easier and more productive.

Step 1: Origin Story

In the Marvel and DC universes, each character has what’s called an ‘origin story’ - a mythical narrative surrounding how they came to be. Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider on a school trip. Steve Rogers (aka Captain America) takes the Super-Soldier serum designed by scientists to enhance the human body. Tony Stark suffers a severe chest injury during a kidnapping, and creates the now-iconic mechanised suit of armour used to save his life and escape from captivity, resulting in Iron Man.

The Spiderman Spider Bite. Image by Steve Ditko (1962)

The Spiderman Spider Bite. Image by Steve Ditko (1962)

In coming to study a subject of interest at university, there is a narrative in your own life you can use to explain this path you want to take and this purpose you want to realise in academia. In my post published last September, I outline 5 action points for an outstanding personal statement. The first is to recall your inspiration, and you should do this in the first paragraph of your statement.

Step 1: Instructions

GENERAL GUIDANCE: Begin your statement by recalling what inspired your love or sparked your desire to study your chosen subject. There might be an idea, a theory or an issue that fascinates you, so outline it. Recount a mini story of the birth of your interest. You witnessed an event that impacted you, or encountered a concept that gave you a brainwave. Something you observed once moved or electrified you. Recalling your inspiration personalises you, and making that live connection is crucial to making a strong impression.

STEP 1 ASSIGNMENT: Take 15 minutes today to write your academic origin story. Compose a paragraph recounting, in a bit of detail, what exactly made you want to study your chosen subject at university.

Next Instalment: Drafting Your Personal Statement - Step 2: Framing Concept