No Filter

Photography is the Everyman art of the digital age. While the legendary photographers of the world are infinitely more skilled, equipped and deliberate than the common smartphone wielder, the Internet is awash with extraordinary images that ordinary people have managed to capture on their devices in their daily lives. It is no longer rare for the average person to take a stunning photograph, and the #nofilter hashtag is widely used as a badge of pride when this accidental art is achieved.

Where photos are often edited and optimised with optical filters, the unmodified image seems magical. Yet #nofilter is not claiming any sorcery or spectacle; it is rather a stamp of authenticity. This image, it claims, is true - and fantastical in that way.

Jericho Canal, Oxford UK, 23 November 2020 #nofilter

Jericho Canal, Oxford UK, 23 November 2020 #nofilter